Hot damn, "flying" yachts are really in right now with vehicle designers. That, and yachts that come with an accompanying sports car. This thing is actually more half plane, half boat, as it takes a cue from an "ekranoplan," a totally bizarre ground effect vehicle of Soviet origin that would fly by skimming just above a body of water.
The "EkranoYacht" comes from designer Jaron Dickson, a student at Monash University in Australia. While this thing looks like a water-skimming flight of fancy, he wanted to ground it in the realistic principles pioneered by the Soviet ekranoplan craft.
From the designer:
The EkranoYacht is a hydrogen powered wing-in-ground effect vehicle for permanent residence — set for 2025… The craft performs at approximately 400kph [or 250 mph] in full flight. It can tackle waves of up to 3.5 m and can also be used as normal yacht when necessary. The 36.5m craft can house 6 people comfortably. The interior design was a very important part of the project, because if people are going to give up their static home living arrangements, there can't be any sacrifice moving on to the EkranoYacht. I designed for open floor plan living, with large windows for natural light.
Be sure to check it out in the gallery below — Dickson even made a scale model of the thing. PHOTOS