Cyberwar continues: another game company hacked, info compromised

Cyberwar continues: another game company hacked, info compromised

Let me count how many days it's been since Sony's PlayStation Network was hacked, one, two...25 — and it's still down. Now, Square Enix's developing powerhouse Eidos Interactive says 25,000 email addresses and 350 resumes have been compromised from its website. Will the cyber attacks on video game companies ever end?
According to Square Enix, its Deus Ex: Human Revolution site and Eidos Montreal's website were hacked on Wednesday, possibly exposing the emails, job application information and private gamer related profiles to hackers. The company immediately shut down the websites and is working on notifying those who may have had their info compromised. Square Enix added that there is no evidence that credit-card info has been stolen, for now.

So should gamers be concerned? There might be a reason to freak out. Although Square Enix says there's no reason for concern just yet, Brian Krebs, a former Washington Post writer noticed Eidos' websites had a banner with "Owned by Chipping1337" on it briefly and said hackers plan to distribute the stolen info on file sharing networks soon. Then again, there was also supposed to be a third attack on Sony, but that never happened.
At this time, it's unsure if hacktivist group Anonymous is behind the Eidos Breach. What does this all mean? Only that nothing is really secure and that there is always a chance someone or some group out there has the brains to do evil. Sony was just the beginning. And with Sony and the FBI still combing around for a lead as to the PSN breach, things are not looking any sunnier.
Via Wired