Considering the fact that we've waited decades for a true Justice League movie to get off the ground, the fact that one is finally happening (again) is cause to celebrate. But in case you don't want to pine away a few years to see what DC cooks up, this fan-made trailer actually looks like the epic team-up we've been waiting for.
Taking clips from standalones such as the Green Lantern and Dark Knight films, along with a healthy dose of Smallville (and the aborted Wonder Woman pilot) to round out the edges, this trailer actually looks like the lead-in to a pretty awesome film.
Here's the video description, from intrepid YouTuber SouperboyX:
Taking clips from standalones such as the Green Lantern and Dark Knight films, along with a healthy dose of Smallville (and the aborted Wonder Woman pilot) to round out the edges, this trailer actually looks like the lead-in to a pretty awesome film.
Here's the video description, from intrepid YouTuber SouperboyX:
So here we basically have a "Suicide Squad/VRA/Brainiac Invasion" type thing going on here. Probably what would be the three main acts of a film about this trailer. Since everything has to be pretty big. I can't really show you guys how I would mesh together those storylines in a two and a half minute trailer, but you guys can leave that to your imagination I suppose!Check out the trailer below, and here's hoping DC is up to the challenge: