n case you're among the millions of Firefly fans out there who couldn't make it to San Diego Comic-Con this year, you're in luck—the entire 10-year cast and crew reunion is now available online. C'mon, we know you want to see Nathan Fillion cry, don't you?
The anniversary panel is a must-watch for any Browncoats out there, and you can see Joss Whedon & Co. field questions and crack wise like no time has passed at all since the crew of the Serenity were working bank jobs and on the run.
If this isn't enough Firefly for you, don't forget the Science channel was on hand this week at Comic-Con, filming tons of behind-the-scenes footage for a new documentaryon the short-lived series to air this November.
Check out the panel below.
So was the reunion everything you wanted and more?
(Bleeding Cool via TFAW)