10 Most Famous and Infamous Moms of 2012

Time Magazine Breastfeeding Mom: Jamie Lynne Grumet 
2012's most notorious mother was Jamie Lynne Grumet, the pretty blond shown on the cover of Time Magazine breastfeeding her three-year-old son, underneath the caption "Are You Mom Enough?" The cover horrified pretty much everyone, including Grumet, who told Yahoo! Shine in December, "That wasn't what we wanted it to look like. Our reaction was similar to everyone else's when we saw the cover." 


Breastfeeding Military Moms: Terran Echegoyan McCabe and Christina Luna 
Breastfeeding never ceases to cause controversy. Two military moms photographed nursing their babies in their Air Force uniforms as part of a breastfeeding awareness campaign drew public ire and were officially reprimanded for misusing their uniforms back in May. Is breastfeeding while in uniform disrespectful? Or just practical? The women were disciplined by the Air Force not for the breastfeeding itself, but for using their uniforms to endorse a cause (breastfeeding awareness). And the womanwho organized the campaign was fired from her unrelated civilian job, allegedly for neglecting her duties while responding to all the press requests during the scandal. PHOTOS