10 awesome sci-fi winter movies you must see (plus 2 you should avoid)

It’s been a box office bloodbath filled with blockbusters this summer, but all that fun is coming to an end. So what do we have to look forward to this winter?

Though the big names like Iron Man 3 and World War Z have passed us by, there are still some pretty major sci-fi and fantasy offerings left on the schedule (not to mention a few could-be duds).
Not surprisingly, Marvel is still represented, along with some nice space-set sci-fi to help us wind down into the cooler weather. Throw in some hobbits, the lovely Katniss Everdeen and a horror-filled prom, and it should be a fun winter. (And for the purpose of this piece, we're going to go a little elastic with our definition of the season, and count it as October through February.)
Check out our list of movies to see (and avoid) below, and let us know what you're looking forward to over the next few months. PHOTOS