Denmark isn't the first country I think of when it comes to manned spacecraft, but if everything goes to plan, this tiny European country will soon become only the fourth nation on Earth to launch a citizen into space.
The privately funded HEAT1X-Tycho Brahe rocket has been entirely built by volunteers with no government involvement, and is just big enough for one (presumably skinny) person to stand near the nose. The top of the rocket is a clear dome just inches above the astronaut's head, so it should be quite a view for the brave person who straps in for the first ride.
For the August 31 test flight a crash test dummy will go in place of a human payload, as this will let them test the safety systems and g-forces a human might expect. That sounds like a good plan. The sub orbital flight is expected to reach an altitude of 93 miles.
Seeing as the USA has astronauts, the Russians have cosmonauts, and the Chinese have taikonauts, what are we going to call the Danish space travelers? Daneonauts? LINK
Copenhagen Suborbitals, via Wired