Ed Norton in Batman 3? The actor 'would not say no' to a role

Ed Norton in Batman 3? The actor 'would not say no' to a role

Edward Norton may no longer be playing the Hulk—the baton having been passed toMark Ruffalo for The Avengers—but he could soon be channeling a DC Comics character instead. Because Norton has revealed that he'd love to play a role in Christopher Nolan's upcoming (and untitled) third Batman movie.
Speaking to IGN, the actor first mentioned that he had no hard feelings regarding his split with Marvel, that he loved playing Bruce Banner in The Incredible Hulk and that he was ultimately more interested in playing something he hadn't done before.
Does that mean ruling out superhero movies? Not so according to Norton, who, despite the debacle with Marvel, doesn't seem put off in the least from making more superhero movies. The actor even showed a particular interest and admiration for director Chris Nolan's work on the Batman films.

"Chris Nolan's making the best ones out there by far.'' Norton said. ''I'd do one with him. He's set a new bar for sure, and I think he's done a great, great job."
Asked whether he would consider playing a villain in Batman 3, Norton's reply was: "That would be fun. I would not say no to that."
The one role that comes to mind is of course that of the Riddler, who's rumored to make his appearance in the next film. When asked whether he would play THAT specific role, Edward Norton apparently smiled and replied: "Your guys can put their votes in on that."
Norton as the Riddler? That could be interesting. But with both Norton and Christian Bale's track records regarding their, let's just say intensity on certain movie sets, the two of them working together would either make for an intense movie or turn into a disaster.
What do you think? Would you like to see Norton in the third Batman movie? And what kind of Riddler do you think he'd make?