Air Force's G-Force centrifuge spins its last

Some might feel that they experience gravity-induced loss of consciousness every time their lovers make them ride a roller coaster at Six Flags. However, it might seem strange that from 1988 the Holloman centrifuge was the only one at the disposal of America's airmen.

The last pilot to enjoy that Hollomanly feeling was Capt. George Cannon, the 48th Operations Support Squadron Tactics Division chief from Royal Air Force Lakenheath, England. He enjoyed 9Gs before becoming an F-22 pilot at Langley, Va.
For reasons that seem to spin beyond my understanding, the new centrifuge, which will be housed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio, will not be ready until 2012. In the meantime, centrifuge training will be in the hands of contractors. In Texas.
Well, the state needed something to perk it up after enduring a giddily wonderful number of Gs in the World Series.

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