Apple to celebrate 10 billion app downloads

Are we really at nearly 10 billion app downloads? It seems like only yesterday that the App Store was born and we celebrated its 1 billionth and 2 billionth downloads. It broke 3 billion downloadsjust over a year ago.
But, thanks in part to the iPad and the growing accessibility to the iPhone worldwide, indeed there have been more app downloads than the current world population and Apple wants to celebrate. The person who downloads the 10 billionth app will win a $10,000 iTunes Gift Card (that's US dollars).
You can enter the contest without purchasing or downloading an app. You must be age 13 or older and a legal resident of participating countries -- if the contest is promoted on the front page of the App Store in your country, you're good. Only 25 entries per iTunes account or e-mail address are accepted per day. Read the complete rules to find out all the details and good luck! LINK