The Force is strong with 3D artist Ansel Hsiao. The man is a Star Wars freak — in a decidedly awesome way. Hsiao is so in tune with 3D modeling, he created these incredibly detailed CG renders of the behemoth that is the Imperial Starship.
You might think Hsiao could have cheated by rendering half an Imperial Starship and then mirroring it to create a full ship, but look again. There are sections of the CG starships that are not symmetrical. The attention to detail is jaw-dropping. Hsiao deserves a special George Lucas-badge for these CG images.
Check out some more stunning shots (including wireframes) of a few familiar starships from the Star Wars universe below, including TIE Fighters. When you're done with that, head over to Hsiao's website, Fractalsponge and drop your jaw at all of his other work. PHOTOS
Fractalsponge, via Kotaku