The only way I'll ever get to move into one of these sweet little disaster houses is if my crappy apartment gets destroyed by some unstoppable force of nature. Luckily, I live in California, so it's only a matter of time.
The EDV-01 is a largely self-contained housing unit about the size of a shipping container that can be rapidly transported and deployed in disaster areas so that people have somewhere nice to live. It expands upward in five minutes to form a second floor with most of the infrastructure on the bottom, and looks to be pretty nice inside, with beds, an electric kitchen, a shower, a microbial toilet and a satellite phone. Power comes from solar panels on the roof plus a hydrogen fuel cell, and there's even a system to extract drinkable water from the air.
The video might be all future concepty, but these are actually getting produced in Japan, and I really really want one. C'mon earthquake, let's make this happen! LINK
EDV-01, via Gizmodo