NVIDIA shares jump on ARM-CPU core development

Shares of NVIDIA Corp. (Nasdaq: NVDA) are surging this morning after the graphics chips company announced last night that it has entered into a partnership to manufacture ARM-based central processing unit (CPU) cores that might provide power to PCs, servers, and supercomputers.
NVDA shares are up 5.3 percent as of 9:40 a.m. (EDT).
"We are designing a high-performing ARM CPU core in combination with our massively parallel GPU cores to create a new class of processor," said Jen-Hsun Huang, president and CEO of NVIDIA.
NVIDIA has also received rights to develop its own CPU cores based on ARM's future processor architecture.
"This marks the beginning of the Internet Everywhere era, where every device provides instant access to the Internet, using advanced CPU cores and rich operating systems," Huang said.