'Tron'-inspired scooter could make geek kids rejoice

Tron concept bike

If your kids think traditional bicycles are boring, why not have them ride this "Tron"-inspired training bike instead?

Designed by Ryan Callahan, an industrial designer from the Town/Lifestyle group at Trek Bicycle, this pedal-less scooter could have kids speeding around the Game Grid while learning the basics of cycling.
Callahan presented his idea at TrekWorld 2012 last week. Do note, however, that this is only a prototype and further changes (perhaps the ability for the scooter to be generated from a baton) are expected. There's no release date for the final product yet.
Here's another look at the concept art:
Tron concept bike(Credit: Ryan Callahan)
And no, sadly, these lightcycles won't emit ribbons of light.

Read more: http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-20095555-1/tron-inspired-scooter-could-make-geek-kids-rejoice/#ixzz1Vt5ZzLMR