This is the story of a patient and passionate man. Known only as "Joe from Saskatchewan, Canada," he wasn't just content to collect and play with remote control vehicles, he's put them to work excavating his basement for the last seven years.
Clearly Joe takes his hobby to a new level by collecting all manner of pint sized remote control excavation equipment and deploying them all with the precision of a general on his basement.
The result is the removal of about eight to cubic feet of dirt and rubble per year, and he's still going strong.
He uses the tiny equipment to mine and crush the material in the winter and then via a system of specially constructed ramps he hauls out the dirt via RC dump trucks in the summer. He's even got a miniature (but growing) pile of dirt to show for it.
Joe told the website Carscoop, "It's been a great hobby thus far, dreaming up — building all sorts of different miniature equipment from kits or from scratch for this "mining" project. If it wasn't for this mining project I probably would have lost of interest in this hobby by now because once the models are built — the novelty of how they work and perform would wear off with no task to be accomplished them."
You just can't argue with that thinking.
There's no word on how long it is expected to take to finish the job or what he plans to do when it's done. We can only hope that it somehow involves new RC equipment to lay some flooring and walls, and unleashing RC quad copters to paint.
Enjoy the gallery of his shots, and check out some of his action videos! PHOTOS