Christian Haupt is addicted to baseball -- so much so that he's playing the sport at a skill level beyond his age. That's not so rare. Nor is it strange that Christian's mom and dad recorded video of their hardball prodigy last summer at age 2, then posted it on YouTube.
But listen to what happened next.
Less than a week later, a Hollywood casting director from an Adam Sandler film spotted it. They were looking for a young ballplayer to appear in Sandler's film "That's My Boy," according to the Thousand Oaks Acorn. The movie is about a father who moves in with his son right before his wedding and soon begins sparring with his daughter-in-law.
Haupt's favorite team is the Dodgers and he goes to sleep with bedtime stories about Babe Ruth and other heroes from bygone times. Cartoons aren't his thing; if Christian is going to watch TV, it's baseball. On car rides to practice, he'll sing "Take Me Out to the Ballgame," with his 6-year-old sister, Charlotte.
Former Giants and Padres relief pitcher Rich Rodriguez, a family friend, plays ball with the little prodigy every other week. (Since he's only 3, Christian won't be playing Little League until next year.)
The preschooler, who wears his white uniform every day to class, filmed his part last August in Cape Cod, Mass. The only problem? Christian had to switch out of his baseball outfit for a polo shirt and shorts. "He cried so hard," his mother told the newspaper.
The movie, which features Leighton Meester and Andy Samberg along with Sandler, is set to be released this June, according to IMDB.com.
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