Though the rights to the Terminator franchise may have been tied up in legal limbo until they were snatched up last year, the turmoil never stopped one small development studio from trucking along with a proposed CGI-animated, 3-D take on John Connor & Co.
Eric Parkinson, with Hannover House, has been at work on Terminator 3000, a proposed PG-13 continuation that would pick up shortly after the first film. Parkinson was quickly hit with a cease and desist, and most believed the project had since fizzled out.
But, Parkinson is now saying the movie is still in the works, and he hopes to team up with current Terminator-rights holder Annapurna Films to get it released.
"We reached out to them, communicated with her council and expressed our outline with the basic story structure with the proposed principal creative team and how it can be financed and how Annapurna Productions can make a lot of money with upfront licensing," he said, as reported by GeekTyrant. "But there are issues at play that I am not privy to ... Who knows if this concept fits their overall plan for the franchise? Personally, I think it's kick-ass and would be a boost to the Terminator brand by introducing a new generation of viewers."
Parkinson said he has even spoken with original series star Arnold Schwarzenegger about the project and he thinks Arnie would be interested in doing voice work on the film.
"My feeling is, he is and will always be one of the biggest stars in the world. I think he'd do the voice of the T-800 in this proposed Terminator 3000," he said. "We're excited about it, and we think it makes perfect sense and with all due respect to Arnold, I think this would be another great and quick way for him to get another movie out with just a short time in a recording studio."
Regardless, it would seem the final call now rests with Annapurna Films, who already has a R-ratedTerminator sequel in the works.
What do you think? Would you rather see a PG-13, CGI Terminator, or an R-rated take on the franchise? Or, should it just be left alone until James Cameron gets fired up enough to step in and do another one?
(via Geek Tyrant).