Alleged Sniper Killed after Firing at McKinney Police Department

MCKINNEY, Texas - A sniper is dead after firing shots at the McKinney Police Department from a wooded area on the campus of Collin College, police say.
The incident happened at about 9:30 a.m., when the unidentified shooter parked a Ford pickup with an attached flatbed trailer outside the department and set it on fire, Lt. Scott Brewer said. 

Witnesses told police they saw the unidentified suspect yelling toward the building, but it was not clear what he said.
Brewer said the man then set up a sniper position at the college, about 150 to 200 yards away, he said.
Ammunition inside the truck cab began to explode and then an undetermined number of bullets began striking the building, Brewer said.
Witness Matt Payne said he was driving to work with his wife and child in the vehicle when they drove past the police station. LINK