Video: amazing touchscreen DJ mixing board

This massive touchscreen fulfills all our Star Trek-inspired fantasies of how control panels should work. Called the Töken, the panel is a high-tech DJ mixing board whose purpose is to take live performances to the "next level."
The Töken site mentions only that the prototype panel is a "platform with multi-touch technology" (thanks, we got that from the video), but its creator, Rodrigo Campos of Santiago, Chile, told us in an email that the software for the projected screen runs on Windows 7. He's been working on it for the last four months, and he hopes to release it in September.
Campos hasn't settled on a price yet, calling it a "cute problem." We're don't see any issue — certainly there are more than a few hip clubs in New York and L.A. that would be willing to pony up the dough for the Töken's extreme cool factor.