A woman with her face covered walks in a street in Ukraine's capital, Kiev, Thursday, Feb. 2, 2012. The death toll from Europe's weeklong ultra-cold snap rose to at least 169 on Friday.
In Ukraine, the hardest-hit country, more than 50 people have perished from the cold in the last week. Nearly 950 others were hospitalized with hypothermia and frostbite and over 2,000 heated tents have been set up with hot food for the homeless. Health officials have told hospitals to stop discharging the hundreds of homeless patients after they are treated for hypothermia and frostbite. The goal is to prevent them from dying once they are released into temperatures as low as -32 degrees Celsius (-26 Fahrenheit).
Read more: http://www.cbsnews.com/2300-202_162-10011154.html#ixzz1le1Mcvd6