Electricity-free iPhone speaker uses bamboo to enhance your tunes

Electricity-free iPhone speaker uses bamboo to enhance your tunes
Steve Jobs' well known attraction to Asia's philosophy of Zen minimalism has influenced nearly every Apple device produced. Now one designer has taken a literal approach to that philosophy by introducing the simplest iPhone speaker you'll ever find.

The iBamboo is, as its name indicates, a piece of real bamboo fashioned to hold youriPhone and act as an electricity-free speaker. In terms of "going green," this speaker system is about as eco-friendly as it gets. The designer is also considering introducing a product called the iBamboo Urban, which maintains the same bamboo form factor and design, but uses recycled plastic to contruct the housing.
When available (currently the supply is limited), the speaker sells for $6. If you have any doubts about the iBamboo's effectiveness, you can check out it in action in the video below. VIDEO