Meet Prometheus's David, a crying robot ready for 'necessary' violence

Meet Prometheus's David, a crying robot ready for 'necessary' violence

Science fiction has shown us a number of very interesting possibilities when it comes to the future of robots. But a new promotional video for the film Prometheus shows us something we're not used to, robots that cry.

Playing the part of the robot named David is Michael Fassbender, following in the footsteps of his Alien universe counterparts Ian Holm (as the robot Ash) and Lance Henriksen (as the robot Bishop). The most striking part of the video is when the robot is asked what makes it sad and it answers, "War, poverty, cruelty, unnecessary violence." Wait, "unnecessary" violence? If Alien history is any guide, we shouldn't let those tears fool us, this android is capable of anything.
If Ridley Scott's vision turns out to become the real future of robotics, being human is going to get a lot trickier. You can check out the video for robot David below.