How would a Buffy vs. Black Widow brawl go down? Joss Whedon knows

How would a Buffy vs. Black Widow brawl go down? Joss Whedon knows

Joss Whedon has a thing for powerful women: He's built a career by standing on the capable shoulders of Buffy's Slayer, Firefly's River Tam and Dollhouse's Echo. But as he takes on The Avengers, a fan can't help but wonder: How would Black Widow stack up against the Chosen One?

When asked the question by USA Today's Whitney Matheson, Der Whedon let loose with the following:
Buffy would go easy at first, but as soon as Natasha popped her with a Widow Sting, she'd start bringing some slayer brawn to the fray. Natasha's fast, but a couple of good connects and she's wobbling, possibly something broken—she whips out her glock and now Buffy's dodging—right where Natasha wants her. Natasha shoots the cable holding the steel barrels and they tumble onto Buffy, nearly burying her—Buffy just arcs out of the way, grabbing the splintered cable and swinging directly onto Natasha, a bullet grazing her cheek as her feet land hard on the Russian's shoulders, sending her back flat—crack!—on the floor, Buffy wrenching the gun away and tossing it, fist ready for the final strike. Natasha, struggling to stay conscious, says the fight's over. Buffy agrees, but Natasha explains: She poisoned Buffy hours ago. That waitress that brought her salad ...? Natasha smiles. The poison is dormant—'til it's activated by adrenaline. Buffy's eyes narrow. "Too bad I didn't use any." Wham! Natasha's out for the count, and Buffy's heading—slowly—to Willow for a mystical cleanse.That'd be my first guess.
Thanks, Joss. We needed that morning fix of geekitude. LINK
(via PopCandy