Scott Bakula: There WILL be a Quantum Leap movie

Scott Bakula: There WILL be a Quantum Leap movie

Not sure how we missed this news coming out of Comic-Con until now, but for Quantum Leap fans, it might have been the BIGGEST news to come out of Comic-Con. Quantum Leap will be back. And it will be back on the big screen.
At the "A Leap of Faith—A Quantum Leap Retrospective" panel, Scott Bakula shared the big news with the 600 fans who attended:
The good news is that Don [Quantum Leap creator Donald P. Bellisario] is working on the film script and has a big time Hollywood producer who wants to do it ... It's about time. But what I always thought would happen, happened ... [that he's now too old for the role]. But Dean [Stockwell, who played Al] and I will have a part in it somehow.Don did say that as he was writing, he told me he was having trouble, 'getting you and Dean out of my head.' But I know he will do it.
So to recap—Big-screen Quantum Leap, yes; Scott Bakula as Sam Beckett, no; Scott Bakula as ...something, yes.
We'll take it. How about you?