8 refreshing Light Cycle redesigns worthy of the Tron series

8 refreshing Light Cycle redesigns worthy of the <em>Tron</em> series

Tron Legacy's Light Cycle is a pretty sweet looking ride, but what if it was redesigned by some of the world's most talented concept artists and designers? Well, SideQuesting held a contest to celebrate the release of Tron and Tron: Legacy on Blu-ray and DVD and here are the winners. All of which look delightfully fantastic!
The two big winners are John A. Frye's design (top image) for the U.S. category and Raphael Laurent for the International category (image below Frye's). With over 100 entries submitted in 20 days, the Light Cycle concepts from all over the world are pretty smashing if I do say so myself.
I'm especially digging that red one by Chris Greazel. If a Light Cycle and Kaneda's bike from Akira merged together and had a sexy motorcycle baby, that red one would be it.
Here's a gallery of the winners and the coolest of the bunch. For the rest, head on over to SideQuesting. PHOTOS
BornRich, via SideQuesting