YouTube founders acquire Delicious, announce (and crash) new startup

chad hurley steve chen
It looks like social bookmarking site Deliciouswill have a healthy afterlife. Yahoo, which acquired the site in 2005, just announced that Delicious has been sold to YouTube founders Chad Hurley and Steve Chen.
Hurley and Chen are apparently incorporating Delicious into a new startup called Avos. They aren’t revealing much about what Avos will be, but a press release says that they’re trying to “develop innovative features to help solve the problem of information overload.”

“We see this problem not just in the world of video, but also cutting across every information-intensive media type,” Chen said.
The Avos office is located in San Mateo, Calif., only a few blocks from where Hurley and Chen started YouTube. The company has gotten off to a somewhat inauspicious start — visitors to the Avos website are receiving a “database error message”, so presumably interest in the announcement has crashed the site.
People had previously assumed that Yahoo planned to kill Delicious, but Yahoo said it was actually selling the service off. The Delicious website says the bookmarking site will continue to run in its current form until July, when it will be relaunched under Avos. Existing users will be able to migrate their data to the new site.
Update: The Avos website is back up. Right now it just consists of the press release about the Delicious announcement.