China’s tech gurus pick hottest early-stage startups

The Great Wall Club is an exclusive club made up of Chinese internet and technology CEOs. At its annual Global Mobile Internet Conference in Beijing, China today, the club named the winners of its G-Start Up competition, in which some 20 seed and early-stage startups delivered 5 t0 6-minute pitches in the hopes of snagging a spot in an incubator program.
Up for grabs were four months of incubation and funding at Chinaccelerator in Liaoning, three months with Innovation Works’ Jump Start Program in Beijing, and three months with the Plug and Play Startup Acceleration Program in Silicon Valley. The competitors were a combination of global and local startups that Chinese venture capitalists were interested in talking to about their potential in the Chinese market. You can find a full list of participating startups at the competition web site.

Here are the winners:
First Place in Seed Stage development
SmarTots – China

SmarTots is a mobile education platform for children aged 2-7 that brings together educators, parents, and developers to create an interactive, fun, and manageable learning experience. The app provides parents with reports, parental tools and personalized recommendations across many hardware and software ecosystems. The app also adds value for developers by offering extra, parent-friendly functionality and access to cross-promotion through the SmarTots database of app-loving parents.
The initial iPhone/iPad (iOS) version of the service was launched over Christmas 2010, and already has over 180,000 downloads. Leveraging this installed base, SmarTots currently generates revenue through affiliate sales.
Runner Up
Kwestr – China
Kwestr is an online application all about the gamification of your life. It attempts to make accomplishing goals fun. It does this by creating a socially enabled narrative game layer on any event, thing or experience that you can do or dream up, from practicing how to recycle paper to being a cool dad for a day. It then gives you badges for accomplishing your goals in a step by step manner while letting your friends be part of your journey to cheer and support you. Personalization is a strong component as the badges can be customized with messages that would most motivate you.
First place in growth stage development
Word Engine — Japan
Word Engine is a knowledge management application that boasts the ability to identify what you don’t know and have you permanently memorize it. It  claims it is the fastest way to permanently memorize up to 99% of all the vocabulary required for important subjects. It’s targeted initially at those learning English and taking TOEFL exams. Word Engine claims to have a proven scientific solution already in use at hundreds of universities and multinational corporations around the world and is looking to enter into the Chinese market.
Runner Up
Gexin – China
Gexin focuses on wireless internet app development. Its first product, Gexin, is a social network service based on your mobile address that is able to send free SMS.