Rumor: Official Skyrim HD Texture Pack Tomorrow

Bethesda made Skyrim performance mods like Skyboost unnecessary with the optimizations included in update 1.4. Now, with the Creation Kit set to drop tomorrow along with a "special surprise," it appears you won't have to turn to modders for high-resolution textures, either. Evidence of Bethesda's Skyrim HD textures pack has been spotted in the wild.

On Friday, Bethesda's Pete Hines tweeted that the Creation Kit is on track for release tomorrow, adding "we also have a special surprise with it." Horse armor jokes aside, it appears that surprise will be an official Skyrim HD textures pack.

Player Attack directs us to the official Skyrim forums, where a poster that goes by the name of Bonehedge claims to have discovered evidence of the HD texture pack in the Steam Content Description Records. Here's what he found:

We'll find out for sure when we unwrap tomorrow's Skyrim surprise ourselves.