This wind turbine is so big it has its own helipad

This wind turbine is so big it has its own helipad

Scotland, being awesome, is putting some serious effort into eventually sourcing 100% of its energy from renewable sources. Seeing as the weather up there is often blustery enough to blow your kilt up around your ears, wind energy seems like a safe enough bet, and the Scots are getting a giant new wind turbine that comes with its own helipad.

I'm fairly certain that the turbine blades stop spinning before a helicopter tries to land on this thing, but on the other hand, stopping the blades means stopping power generation, so maybe they just find themselves a really really really skilled pilot. Either way, the idea with the helipad is to make it easy to service the turbine when necessary, although this prototype will be located a mere 70 feet offshore.
The turbine should produce about six megawatts when it goes operational, which is enough to power a couple thousand homes, and if that's not enough, it'll also serve as a shooting location for an unannounced eco-themed James Bond movie: The World Would Be Enough If We Could Just Be A Little Bit More Careful About Our Carbon Pollution Already.
Via Inhabitat